A Function is Continuous at an Isloated Point

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Isolated points and continuity

  • Thread starter dancergirlie
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Homework Statement

Let f : A --> R be a function, and let c in A be an isolated point of A. Prove that f
is continuous at c

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm kind of confused by this problem.... if c is an isolated point, then the limit doesn't exist. So I can't really use the fact that a function is continuous at c if for all epsilon>0 there exists a delta>0 such that whenever |x-c|<delta, it follows that |f(x)-f(c)|<epsilon.

Any hints would be great!

Answers and Replies

Well it wouldn't be true for x=c. Because |x-c| would be equal to zero, and that contradicts the statement that delta is greater than zero.
I am assuming that A is a subset of the real numbers. Since c is an isolated point of A, there exists a [itex]\delta[/itex] such that [itex](c-\delta,c+\delta)[/itex] contains no other points of A. Hint: that is your [itex]\delta[/itex] to show that f is continuous at c. So now let x be in A and [itex]\varepsilon>0[/itex]. Then...
I am not sure how you are choosing delta.... are you saying that you choose delta to be equal to the delta satisfying (c-delta, c+delta) containing no other points of A but c?
I am not sure how you are choosing delta.... are you saying that you choose delta to be equal to the delta satisfying (c-delta, c+delta) containing no other points of A but c?

Yes. That delta exists by the fact that c is an isolated point. Now just go through the epsilon-delta steps of proving f is continuous at c. Using that delta, what does [itex]|x-c|<\delta[/itex] imply if x is in A?
Would it just mean that x-c is in a as well?
Because I'm trying to show that
|f(x)-L|< epsilon, but there is no limit so that is why I'm getting confused....
Would it just mean that x-c is in a as well?
Because I'm trying to show that
|f(x)-L|< epsilon, but there is no limit so that is why I'm getting confused....

Well your L is f(c). So you are trying to show that for x in A and any [itex]\varepsilon>0[/itex], there is a [itex]\delta>0[/itex] such that [itex]|x-c|<\delta[/itex] implies that [itex]|f(x)-f(c)|<\varepsilon[/itex]. But if x is in A and [itex]|x-c|<\delta[/itex], where the delta is the one described above, then x can only be one point! And that point is ...?
Well it wouldn't be true for x=c. Because |x-c| would be equal to zero, and that contradicts the statement that delta is greater than zero.

Sorry, but that doesn't make sense. :redface:

How does any of that answer the question, can the statement "a function is continuous at c if for all epsilon>0 there exists a delta>0 such that whenever |x-c|<delta, it follows that |f(x)-f(c)|<epsilon" be untrue?

Choose any ε … for example choose ε = 2009 …

can you find a δ that works for that ε? :smile:
Wouldn't that mean that x has to be c??? If it was then that contradicts the fact that it is continuous since that would mean that epsilon would=0 and delta=0, so the function wouldn't be continuous.... but I'm trying to prove that it is continuous. I don't know if I m completely off here... but that is what I'm getting from what you're saying..
[How does any of that answer the question, can the statement "a function is continuous at c if for all epsilon>0 there exists a delta>0 such that whenever |x-c|<delta, it follows that |f(x)-f(c)|<epsilon" be untrue?

Choose any ε … for example choose ε = 2009 …

I understand that I can find a delta for any specific epsilon, but how am I supposed to phrase that in my proof for an arbitrary epsilon?

Yes, it would mean that x=c, but that does in no way imply that [itex]\varepsilon=0[/itex]. Look. I'll just rewrite everything so hopefully it makes sense now.

Let c be an isolated point of A. Then there exists a [itex]\delta>0[/itex] such that the interval [itex](c-\delta,c+\delta)[/itex] contains no other points of A besides c.

Let x be in A and [itex]\varepsilon>0[/itex]. Then [itex]|x-c|<\delta[/itex] implies that x is in the interval [itex](c-\delta,c+\delta)[/itex]. This means x=c because there are no others points of A in that interval. This implies that [itex]|f(x)-f(c)|=|f(c)-f(c)|=0<\varepsilon[/itex] for absolutely any [itex]\varepsilon>0[/itex] you choose. Therefore, f is continuous at c.

Oh it makes sense, I was thinking that implied that epsilon equals zero, when it was just that |f(x)-f(c)|=0 which would be less than any epsilon greater than zero.... thank you so much for your help, i really appreciate it!!
Good! No problem for the help. This problem is subtle, so I'm glad it makes sense now.
Take [itex]\delta[/itex] to be less than the distance from closest point in the domain of f other than c. There are no points in the domain of f such that [itex]0< |x-c|< \delta[/itex] so the hypothesis, "if [itex]0< |x-c< \delta[/itex]" is always false. If the hypothesis of a statement is false then the statement is _____.

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Source: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/isolated-points-and-continuity.350877/

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